Category Archives: Clients
Typical Executive Coaching objectives for Leaders and Managers
Executive Coaching can help address a wide range of opportunities for leaders to improve who they are, what they do, and the results they deliver. Executive Coaching can both better leverage executive’s strengths and help minimise the impact of weaknesses. … Continue reading
Soft Skills
Given the obsession with qualifications, and the difficulty of certifying soft skills, and despite the recognition of the importance of relationships, are soft skills less appreciated in Asia than in the West? What do you think? Why Executives Are So … Continue reading
Talent Management
Talent Management Programmes normally fail because HR/L&D/Training executives fail to consider the big picture. Talent Management can only deliver benefits if it is part of a broader change in the behaviour of the organisation. Conditions for success for a Talent … Continue reading
Understanding Talent’s mindset
Much is said and written about Talent Development, particularly about the acquisition of skills through training, on the job and off. Yet just as important as skills is mindset. What is your talent’s view of their world? Three critical dimensions … Continue reading
Leaders in transition in professional services firms
Executive Coaching can be an effective and efficient tool for helping leaders in transition to raise their self-awareness, clarify their goals, increase their focus and strengthen their relationships. Here are examples of situations in which Executive Coaching has proven its … Continue reading
Coaching tends to be most appropriate when …
Performance makes an important difference to the client. Almost by definition, the contributions expected of senior executives fall into this category. Managers at other levels who are in especially significant roles also are responsible for making an important contribution, so … Continue reading
Who benefits from Executive Coaching?
Executives benefit from faster development to higher levels than they would achieve through experience and training alone. Coaching enables Executives to be who they really are, to perform better in their current role, to be even more confident and courageous … Continue reading
What are the commercial arrangements for Executive Coaching?
A typical Executive Coaching assignment includes over six months: One ‘Fit’ meeting Executive and Coach confirm fit and discuss personal objectives and perspectives Five Priorities, Objectives, and Context meetings Client briefs Coach on organisational priorities and objectives for the coaching … Continue reading
How do CEOs and other senior executives develop through Executive Coaching?
What do Executive Coaches do? Executives enhance their self-awareness through the coach’s purposeful conversations, objective review of peer and self-assessments, informed discussion of successful approaches, and structured analysis of intentions, actions, behaviours, outcomes and results. Executives develop … Continue reading
What is the intangible value of Executive Coaching?
The transformational power of coaching comes from Executives appreciation of who they really are. Crystal clear aspirations, a profound recognition of one’s own capabilities and passions, and a powerful drive to achieve in ways that matter all flow from this … Continue reading